Note 17.0                     LSI-11/23 ECO History                      1 reply
JAWS::KAISER                                        365 lines  25-MAR-1985 09:22
      +---------------+					   +-----------------+
      | d i g i t a l |					   |  uNOTE # 017    |
      +---------------+					   +-----------------+

      | Title: LSI 11/23 ECO History			   | Date: 19-NOV-84 |
      | Originator: Bob Hessinger			   | Page 1 of 8     |

      This micronote documents the  ECO	 and  etch  revision  history  of  the
      KDF11-A  (LSI  11/23)  module.  A quick verify has been included so that
      the status of a module may be determined by a visual check.

      For the M8186, the revision  identifier  is  a  two  field  alphanumeric
      designation stamped on the reverse side of the module handle.  The first
      field indicates the etch	revision.   The	 second	 field	indicates  the
      modifications to this etch.

      Hardware revision notation :

				    A 0
	      Identifies etch level	Identifies modifications

      The M8186 began as hardware revision "A0", as  shown  above.   That  is,
      etch  revision  "A"  with	 no  modifications  or	rework.	 As ECO's were
      released calling for rework, the hardware revision level was updated  to
      "A1",  then  "A2",  etc.	Periodically new etch revisions were released,
      incorporating previous modifications.   When  these  occurred  the  etch
      revision	field  was updated from "A" to "C", and later from "C" to "D".
      For the M8186, no etch revision "B" was released.
									Page 2

      The hardware revision history of the M8186 is shown below:

			    Release	 A0
			    Rework	 A1
			    ECO #1	 |
			    Rework	 A2
			    ECO #2	 |
      NOTE: All modules	    Rework	 A3
      shipped are at	    ECO #3	 |
      rev A3 or greater			 |
      NOTE : New etch	    Relayout	 +---- C0
      rev C created.  No    ECO #4	 |     |
      rev B boards were			 |     |
      built				 |     |
			    Rework	 A4    C0  NOTE: Rev C etch incorporates
			    ECO #5	 |     |	 changes for ECO #5
					 |     |
			    Rework	 A5    C1
			    ECO #6	 |     |
					 |     |
			    Rework	 A6    C2
			    ECO #7	 |     |
					 |     |
			    Rework	 A6    C2  NOTE: This was a documen-
			    ECO #8	 |     |	 tation change only
					 |     |
			    Rework	 A7    C3
			    ECO #9	 |     |
					 |     |
			    Rework and	 A8    C4 --- D0
			    Relayout	 |     |      |
			    ECO #10	 |     |      |
					 |     |      |
			    Rework	 A8    C4     D0  NOTE: This was a
			    ECO #11				documentation
								change only
									Page 3

      Jumper Functions on Etch Revision "A", "C" and "D" Modules

      |	 Jumper	 |   Function	 |	   Description		 |  Shipped   |
      |	   W1	 |  Master Clock |  In = Enabled, do not remove	 |    In      |
      |	   W2,W3 |  DEC Reserved |  Factory configured, do not	 |    W2=Out  |
      |		 |		 |  change (see note 1)		 |    W3=In   |
      |	   W4	 |  BEVENT	 |  Out = Enabled		 |    In      |
      |	   W5,W6 | Power-up Mode |  Mode	       W5   W6	 |    Mode 1  |
      |		 |		 |  0 - PC=24,PS=26    Out  Out	 |    W5=In   |
      |		 |		 |  1 - Console ODT    In   Out	 |    W6=Out  |
      |		 |		 |  2 - Bootstrap      Out  In	 |	      |
      |		 |		 |  3 - Reserved       In   In	 |	      |
      |	   W7	 |  Halt/Trap	 |  In = Trap to 10 on Halt	 |    Out     |
      |		 |  Option	 |  Out = Enter Console ODT	 |	      |
      |		 |		 |	  on Halt		 |	      |
      |	   W8	 |  Bootstrap	 |  In = Boot to 17773000	 |    In      |
      |		 |  Address	 |  Out = Bootstrap address	 |	      |
      |		 |		 |  specified by jumpers W9-W15	 |	      |
      |	 W9-W15	 | User Bootstrap|  W9-W15 correspond to address |    In      |
      |		 |  Address	 |  bits 9-15 respectively.	 |	      |
      |		 |		 |  In = logic 1, Out = logic 0	 |	      |
      |	 W16,W17 |  DEC Reserved |  Factory configured, do not	 |    In      |
      |		 |		 |  change			 |	      |
      |		   Etch A only						      |
      |	  W18	 |  DEC Reserved |  Factory configured, do not	 |    In      |
      |		 |		 |  change			 |	      |
      |	  W19	 |Wake-up Circuit|  Out = enabled		 |     In     |
      |		 |		 |  This jumper is a red wire	 |	      |
      |		 |		 |  across diode D1		 |	      |
      |		   Etch C and D only					      |
      |	  W18	 |Wake-up Circuit|  Out = enabled		 |     In     |
      |		 |		 |  This jumper is a red wire	 |	      |
      |		 |		 |  across diode D1		 |	      |

      note 1 : W3 on etch A modules consists of a jumper from E2 pin 5 to
	       E2 pin 15.
									Page 4

		   |							   |
		   |							   |
		   |							   |
		   |		     W18 ---				   |
		   |							   |
		   |							   |
		   |		      D1 ---				   |
		   |		      (W19 - see text)			   |
		   |							   |
		   |							   |
		   |							   |
		   |							   |
		   |				   W17 ---		   |
		   | +----+ +----+ +----+ +----+			   |
		   | |	  | |	 | |	| |    |			   |
		   | |	  | |	 | |	| |    |	    W1 |	   |
		   | |	  | |	 | |	| |    |	       |	   |
		   | |	  | |	 | |	| |    |			   |
		   | |	  | |	 | |	| |    | W16 |			   |
		   | |	  | |	 | |	| |    |     |			   |
		   | +----+ +----+ +----+ +----+			   |
		   |							   |
		   |		    W15	 ---		      W2 ---	   |
		   |		    W14	 ---				   |
		   |		    W13	 ---				   |
		   |		    W12	 ---				   |
		   |		    W11	 ---				   |
		   |		    W10	 ---				   |
		   |		    W9	 ---				   |
		   |		    W8	 ---				   |
		   |		    W6	 ---				   |
		   |		    W7	 ---				   |
		   |		    W6	 ---				   |
		   |		    W5	 ---	   W4 ---		   |
		   |							   |
		   |							   |
		   |							   |
		   |							   |
		   |							   |
		   |							   |
		   |				+-+			   |
		   ++			    +---+ |			  ++
		    |			    |	  |			  |
		    +-----------------------+	  +-----------------------+

				 KDF11-A REV A Jumper Layout
									Page 5

		   |							   |
		   |							   |
		   |							   |
		   |							   |
		   |							   |
		   |							   |
		   |							   |
		   |		      D1 ---				   |
		   |		      (W18 - see text)			   |
		   |							   |
		   |							   |
		   |							   |
		   |							   |
		   | +----+ +----+ +----+ +----+			   |
		   | |	  | |	 | |	| |    |			   |
		   | |	  | |	 | |	| |    |		W1 ---	   |
		   | |	  | |	 | |	| |    |			   |
		   | |	  | |	 | |	| |    |			   |
		   | |	  | |	 | |	| |    |			   |
		   | |	  | |	 | |	| |    |			   |
		   | +----+ +----+ +----+ +----+			   |
		   |							   |
		   |		    W15	 ---				   |
		   |		    W14	 ---				   |
		   |		    W13	 ---				   |
		   |		    W12	 ---				   |
		   |		    W11	 ---				   |
		   |		    W10	 ---				   |
		   |		    W9	 ---				   |
		   |		    W8	 ---				   |
		   |		    W6	 ---				   |
		   |		    W7	 ---	 W4 ---		 W3 ---	   |
		   |		    W6	 ---				   |
		   |		    W5	 ---			 W2 ---	   |
		   |							   |
		   |							   |
		   |							   |
		   |							   |
		   |	 W16 ---					   |
		   |	 W17 ---					   |
		   |							   |
		   |				+-+			   |
		   ++			    +---+ |			  ++
		    |			    |	  |			  |
		    +-----------------------+	  +-----------------------+

				 KDF11-A REV C Jumper Layout
									Page 6

		   |							   |
		   |							   |
		   |							   |
		   |							   |
		   |							   |
		   |							   |
		   |							   |
		   |							   |
		   |		      W18 |				   |
		   |			  |				   |
		   |							   |
		   |							   |
		   |							   |
		   |							   |
		   | +----+ +----+ +----+ +----+			   |
		   | |	  | |	 | |	| |    |			   |
		   | |	  | |	 | |	| |    |		W1 ---	   |
		   | |	  | |	 | |	| |    |			   |
		   | |	  | |	 | |	| |    |			   |
		   | |	  | |	 | |	| |    |			   |
		   | |	  | |	 | |	| |    |			   |
		   | +----+ +----+ +----+ +----+			   |
		   |							   |
		   |		    W15	 ---				   |
		   |		    W14	 ---				   |
		   |		    W13	 ---				   |
		   |		    W12	 ---				   |
		   |		    W11	 ---				   |
		   |		    W10	 ---				   |
		   |		    W9	 ---				   |
		   |		    W8	 ---				   |
		   |		    W6	 ---				   |
		   |		    W7	 ---	 W4 ---		 W3 ---	   |
		   |		    W6	 ---				   |
		   |		    W5	 ---			 W2 ---	   |
		   |							   |
		   |							   |
		   |							   |
		   |							   |
		   |							   |
		   |	 W16 ---					   |
		   |	 W17 ---					   |
		   |				+-+			   |
		   ++			    +---+ |			  ++
		    |			    |	  |			  |
		    +-----------------------+	  +-----------------------+

				 KDF11-A REV D Jumper Layout
									Page 7

      The following table details the ECO's issued since the  M8186  began  to
      ship  to	the field.  These ECO's are coded "M8186-ML0XX", where "XX" is
      the ECO number shown below :

      ECO #	Problem					   Quick Verify
       04     Too many wires and etch cuts, new etch	   Module handle will be
	      needed.  Note that the jumper locations	   stamped "Cn" where
	      change for etch Revision C.		   "n" indicates
	      Note also that etch A boards bring only	   modifications
	      18 bits of addressing from the MMU to the
	      Q-BUS, while etch C boards bring all 22
	      bits of addressing from the MMU to the

       05     I/O page addressing scheme differs from	   Check for etch cut
	      LSI-11/2 processor.			   to pins 16 and 18
							   (rev A boards only)

       06     The internal wake-up circuit defeats the	   Red jumper wire is
	      power sequencing provided by standard	   installed in parallel
	      DEC power supplies.			   with D1.

       07     CTL/DAT hybrid (57-00000-00) and MMU IC	   CTL/DAT should be
	      (21-15542-00) were not compatible with	   57-00000-01 or higher
	      KEF11-AA floating point option.  The FP	   and MMU should be
	      registers in the MMU were inaccessible,	   21-15542-01 or higher
	      and the CTL/DAT data path caused		   for floating point
	      intermittent errors in floating point	   compatibility.
	      instructions.				   Coordinate with EC0

       08     MMU (21-15542-01) was included as part of	   Some modules may or
	      the M8186 module.	 This documentation	   not have MMUs,
	      change removes the MMU and makes it an	   depending on the
	      option which is ordered separately.	   options ordered.
									Page 8

      ECO #	Problem					   Quick Verify
       09     1) No jumper table in print set (doc only)   1) Table added
	      2) Crystal oscillator may short to adjacent  2) Manufacturing
		 components				      includes nylon
	      3) Possibility of worst case MMU timing	   3) Module will have
		 violations.  Change configuration	      W2 removed and W3
		 of W2 and W3 to adjust timing.	 This	      in.  On rev A
		 ECO must be installed :		      modules W3 is a
		 A) When ECO m8186-ML007 is installed	      wire from E2 pin
		 B) When the KEF11 or FPF11 is installed      5 to E2 pin 15.
		 C) When one of the F-11 chips is replaced
		 D) Whenever unexplained system crashes

       10     1) Heavily loaded systems lock up during	   1) Rev A and Rev C
		 worst case timing between DMA and	      modules will have
		 interrupt arbitration.	 Symptoms	      wires on E2 pins
		 usually occur with DMA options not	      2 and 4.	Rework
		 manufactured by DEC.			      included in Rev D.
	      2) Too many wires and etch cuts, new etch	   2) Module handle will
		 needed.  Note W18 now uses jumper posts.     be stamped "Dn"
							      where n indicates

       11     Documentation updated.			   Documentation only.
Note 17.1                     LSI-11/23 ECO History                       1 of 1
BRS01::BRUSCHE                                        5 lines   9-MAY-1985 02:24
Please note that in all tree jumper layout drawings there is a 
redundant "W6". The top ones are those that should be disregarded.
