If you want to renumber or rename DSSI disks or DSSI tapes, it's easy - if you know the secret incantation...
From OpenVMS:
From the console on most 3000- and 4000-class VAX system consoles... (Obviously, the system must be halted for these commands...)
Integrated DSSI:
>>> SET HOST/DUP/DSSI[/BUS:[0:1]] dssi_node_number PARAMSKFQSA:
>>> SET HOST/DUP/UQSSP port_controller_number PARAMS
For information on how to get out into the PARAMS subsystem, also see the >>> HELP at the console prompt for the SET HOST syntax, or see the HELP on SET HOST /DUP (once you've connected FYDRIVER under OpenVMS).
Once you are out into the PARAMS subsystem, you can use the FORCEUNI option to force the use of the UNITNUM value and then set a unique UNITNUM inside each DSSI ISE - this causes each DSSI ISE to use the specfied unit number and not use the DSSI node as the unit number. Other parameters of interest are NODENAME and ALLCLASS, the node name and the (disk or tape) cluster allocation class.
Ensure that all disk unit numbers used within an OpenVMS Cluster disk allocation class are unique, and all tape unit numbers used within an OpenVMS Cluster tape allocation class are also unique.
The OpenVMS DCL commands SET HOST/DUP and SET HOST/HSC are used to connect to storage controllers via the Diagnostics and Utility Protocol (DUP). These commands require that the FYDRIVER device driver be connected. This device driver connection is typically performed by adding the following command(s) into the system startup command procedure:
On OpenVMS Alpha:
$ RUN SYS$SYSTEM:SYSGEN SYSGEN> CONNECT FYA0/NOADAPTERAlternatives to the DCL SET HOST/DUP command include the console >>> SET HOST command available on various mid- to recent-vintage VAX consoles:
Access to Parameters on an Embedded DSSI controller:
>>> SET HOST/DUP/DSSI[/BUS:{0:1}] dssi_node_number PARAMSAccess to Directory of tools on an Embedded DSSI controller:
>>> SET HOST/DUP/DSSI[/BUS:{0:1}] dssi_node_number DIRECTAccess to Parameters on a KFQSA DSSI controller:
>>> SHOW UQSSP ! to get port_controller_number PARAMS >>> SET HOST/DUP/UQSSP port_controller_number PARAMS
These console commands are available on most MicroVAX and VAXstation 3xxx series systems, and most (all?) VAX 4xxx series systems. For further information, see the system documentation and - on most VAX systems - see the console HELP text.
EK-410AB-MG, DSSI VAXcluster Installation and Troubleshooting, is a good resource for setting up a DSSI VMScluster on OpenVMS VAX nodes. (This manual predates coverage of OpenVMS Alpha systems, but gives good coverage to all hardware and software aspects of setting up a DSSI-based VMScluster - and most of the concepts covered are directly applicable to OpenVMS Alpha systems. This manual specifically covers the hardware, which is something not covered by the standard OpenVMS VMScluster documentation.)
Sizes of well known DSSI-HDDs
RF30: 150 MB RF31: 381 MB RF35: 852 MB RF36: 1.6 GB RF71: 400 MB RF72: 1 GB RF73: 2.0 GB RF74: 3.57 GB
Here are the part numbers for the two styles of DSSI terminators that I am conversant with, but these I know from things like 4000 series VAXen and HSD10/BA350 HSD50/SW300 disk arrays so this might be the information you're looking for:
The one that's on the front of the VAX 4000s is Female 50-pin style (looks sort of like SCSI-2) 12-29258-01 HSD10s and HSD50s use this one: Female Honda-style (looks like small Centronics) 12-31281-01
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